July 1st, 2015 by Xavier Perez
Benchmark trace & log any php, without modifying a single line of code. Usefull to trace access, monitoring run times & ram and debugging params (get / post / argv).
This class can log time and resources used during PHP script execution until they exit without having to change the actual script code.
It appends to a log file the time a script took execute since the class was loaded, as well...Language improvements Codeigniter
September 22nd, 2010 by Xavier Perez
The language library in Codeigniter is very simple, and doesn’t support variable substitution, only partial or complete phrases.
For this reason, I have made minor changes to allow the variable substitution, thus it’s not the same espelling in different idiomas.
Data registry class improvements
September 22nd, 2010 by Xavier Perez
More improvements has been added to this class:
Instead of saving data in your session to be retrieved anywhere, I have developed my own registry class (similar to Zend Registry), with more functionalities.
Support for namespaces
Support for persistent namespaces (any data can be collected in any other page during customer navigation)
Support as caching system
Support for saving in session or files
Support...Data Registry class improvements
July 12th, 2010 by Xavier Perez
Data Registry have been improved to handle files, as a normal file storage, as a caching system or as a repository space.
Now, in examples, all storage vars are saved in files, with TTL.
Any class of var can be saved for every user session, but also Data_Registry can save files for all users, not only restricted to every user. Allows to save config files, language translations, core data, mysql results…
Take...New Data_Registry Class
June 1st, 2010 by Xavier Perez
I have developed a new class to save any kind of data in a php program, and retrieve it in any other php script.
The Data_registry class is a singleton class, and all data can have persistence saved in the session files (DB, memcache also). It’s an great improvement over Zend_Registry class, duo to it’s better capabilities.
This can help in debugging, tracing code, retrieving errors after...Codeginiter profiler with FirePHP
March 25th, 2010 by Xavier Perez
I have added to my own Profiler the hability to display results on Firebug. I have two form of display data: firebar or window. Window display data on a div over the code, allowing to read enterilly all the page, meanehilr firebar display data on the firebug console (must to have instaled firephp )
PHP Scalability – Part2
March 3rd, 2010 by Xavier Perez
Apache servers with PHP as a module, expends a lot of memory and resources on each process, and it’s not intended to serve static pages.
Also, PHP cache, as memcached, cacheLite, and other cache systems can be an important aid to lighten apache process, but still are huge.
Here comes APC, an opcode cache, that can be one of the best part of my own tests, achieving a 100% better performance on...PHP Scalability – Part1
March 1st, 2010 by Xavier Perez
In the last years, PHP have been taken part of the market to other technologies, as .NET and Java, but till now, have been declared ‘non scalable’, thus it’s owns limitations, the absence of a ‘distributted services’ concept.
PHP it’s a language, and Apache have been the server over the years.
A lot of web sites, takes the important decision to buy more hardware,...LQueryBU – Light Query Business Units
February 27th, 2010 by Xavier Perez
Many frameworks comes with its CRUD, Scaffolding, AdoDB, but it’s slow in programming it, and hard to mantain. I have developed my own DB class, it isn’t a wrapper, its an interface between Models (MVC concept), and DB wrappers.
Performs SQL and PHP business units, all together, designed to avoid large DAOs, to increase preformance, better visibility and clarity, and improvement of development...PHP Unit testing
February 26th, 2010 by Xavier Perez
How to test our applitacion ?
Must we make automatic testing or post testing scripts ?
See : http://carouth.com/2009/10/20/the-modern-php-workflow/