XHMVC – Common modular extensions
June 12, 2013 by: Xavier PerezCross Modular Extensions for Codeigniter allow to share modules, controllers, views and models with many applications.
XHMVC brings to you a standard Codeginiter core and a standard HMVC core (from Wiredesignz), allowing to share this core to multiple applications.
Also, you can share config parameters, helpers, libraries, languages, views, and modules !!.
From version 1.4.1, you can extend from your module/controller to an existing common/module/controller.
From version 1.4.1, you can extend from your module/model to an existing common/module/model.
To view Wiredesignz HMVC and it’s capabilities: https://bitbucket.org/wiredesignz/codeigniter-modular-extensions-hmvc
If you have an auth module, an e-commerce module, a template library, Why not to share the same files ?
If you are developping a multi-site, be sure that you can share common procedures/libraries/helpers, this will be your key to take profit of all the development and to make it faster.
If you have an application, move it to common/modules, share it with multiple applications and each will allow own configurations.
Demo: http://xhmvc.4amics.com/applications/demo/www
Donwload: https://bitbucket.org/xperez/codeigniter-cross-modular-extensions-xhmvc/downloads
Instructions: https://bitbucket.org/xperez/codeigniter-cross-modular-extensions-xhmvc